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Oyo, Ibadan, 9 hours ago

Psyllium Husk Powder : Colon Cleansing, Weight Management

Now Foods
Colon Supplements
Age Group
Store address
Oyo State • Ibadan
19/20 Ashi Road opposite CAC OKE ALAFIA Ashi bodija
Landmark: OLONA MOSQUE ASHI. A cream and orange building
Open now
• Mon - Sat, 08:00-18:00
Psyllium Husk is in rhe form of powder made from Fiber. It’s most commonly known as a laxative. However, research shows that taking psyllium Husk is beneficial to many parts of the human body, including the heart and the pancreas. Digestive health Psyllium is a bulk-forming laxative. This means it soaks up water in your gut and makes bowel movements much easier and can help promote regularity without increasing flatulence. It can be used as a one-off to ease constipation, or it can be added to your diet to help promote regularity and overall digestive health. Watching your weight Maintaining a healthy weight is a concern for many people, especially those with a chronic condition like high blood Sugar. Besides being good for your heart and blood sugar levels, psyllium may help you lose weight.
₦ 35,000
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