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  5. Brown Rice
Oyo, Ibadan, 3 hours ago

Whole Grain Brown Rice

Store address
Oyo State • Ibadan
19/20 Ashi Road opposite CAC OKE ALAFIA Ashi bodija
Landmark: OLONA MOSQUE ASHI. A cream and orange building
Open now
• Mon - Sat, 08:00-18:00
Benefits of whole grain brown rice  boosts nervous system functioning  anti-depressant properties  relieves insomnia  boosts immunity  improves bone health  small portions of brown rice are also recommended for patients suffering from candida infections attributing to its richness in digestive enzymes which is apt for a weakened digestive system.  it tones up the body and mind and helps combat general weakness and deficits in the body.  brown rice is rich in folate which is essential during pregnancy for healthy growth of the fetus.  brown rice treats skin conditions like psoriasis, promotes healthy skin, and restores hair loss.  it extends its beneficial effects to many organs including the heart, digestion, brain, bones, muscles, cholesterol, and blood pressure.
₦ 7,000
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