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  5. Garcinia Cambogia Weight Loss Products
Lagos, Surulere, 54 min ago

Garcinia Cambogia Gummies With Green Cofee Bean(90 Gummies)

Natural Genius
Weight-Loss Products
Age Group
Store address
Lagos State • Surulere
257, Ijesha road, close to new NEPA office, Ijesha bus stop, Surulere, Lagos.
When you get to Ijesha express b/stop or Ijesha market b/stop, ask of direction to new NEPA office.
Closed now
• Mon - Sat, 08:00-19:00
Tired of popping SEVERAL weight loss PILLS every day? Grab 3 tasty gummy chews and begin to feel the suppressant effect in as little as 20 minutes! Proven safe & effective for thousands, our Garcinia 3-in-1 is infused with the perfect ratio of three of the world’s most effectual ingredients for body balance. If you're serious about curbing cravings, slowing sugar absorption and boosting metabolism, try our sugar-free, vegan gummies. This product does the following.It - Curb Your Unwanted Cravings - Slow Down Your Sugar Absorption - Give Your Metabolism A Boost 100% Safe and Purity Tested Sugar Free Vegan/Vegetarian Non-GMO Free of artificial colors, sweeteners, and flavors No preservatives, soy, gluten, or dairy
Garcinia Cambogia Gummies With Green Cofee Bean(90 Gummies)Garcinia Cambogia Gummies With Green Cofee Bean(90 Gummies)
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