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Lagos, Surulere, 1 hour ago

DM6 USB Kit - Electronic Drum Set With Dual-Zone Snare

Electronic Drum Sets
Brand New
Store address
Lagos State • Surulere
Surulere, Lagos
Velocity sensitive for natural, musical response Comes with bass drum pedal, drumsticks and power supply DM6 module contains 108 top-notch drum, cymbal, and percussion sounds and 15 programmable drum sets USB-MIDI output for use with drum-module software and works with iPad via Apple USB Adaptor (sold separately) Dual-zone snare pad for rim click and rimshot capability Connect your iPod or CD player and mix it in with 1/8" input Velocity sensitive for natural, musical response Comes with bass drum pedal, drumsticks and power supply (in polystyrene packaging)
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