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Lagos, Ojo, 1 hour ago

Alesis Vi61-61-Key Usb Midi Keyboard

Electronic Keyboards
Brand New
The Alesis VI61 is an advanced USB/MIDI keyboard MIDI controller that lets you take command of your music software with a series of pads, knobs, and buttons. With 61 velocity-sensitive semi-weighted keys with aftertouch and Octave Up/Down buttons, you can expand the keyboard to the full melodic range and play bass lines, chords, and melodies. VI61 also features 16 assignable knobs and 48 assignable buttons for manipulating effect plugins and virtual instruments: open and close filters, adjust volume levels, activate effects, tweak parameters, and more. 16 velocity-sensitive RGB trigger pads allow you to launch clips or finger drum with exceptional response and colorful visual feedback.
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