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Lagos, Ojo, 51 min ago

Alesis V25 Midi Studio Keyboard

Midi Keyboards
Number of Pads
Performance Level
Aftertouch, Arpeggiator, Display, Effects Proccessor, Touch Strips, Velocity Sensitive
Midi Keyboard Features
Brand New
Store address
Lagos State • Ojo
CWS6 Cornerstone plaza beside UBA Bank Electronics,Alaba international market
Closed now
• Mon - Sun, 07:00-18:00
Alesis V25 is a powerful, intuitive MIDI controller that lets you take command of your computer's music software without giving up your capacity for dynamic performances. With 25 full-size velocity-sensitive keys and Octave Up/Down buttons, you can expand the keyboard to the full melodic range and play bass lines, chords, and melodies. 25 Full-Sized Keys And 8 Pads With 25 full-size keys and 8 MPC-style drum pads, you're already well set up. The V25 adds to that pitch and modulation wheels, and four assignable knobs and buttons to open and close filters, adjust volume levels, activate effects, tweak parameters, and more.
Alesis V25 Midi Studio KeyboardAlesis V25 Midi Studio Keyboard
₦ 200,000
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