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  5. Premier Drum Sets and Kits
Lagos, Ojo, 49 min ago

5 Piece Premier Drum Set With Different Colors

Bass Drums
Brand New
Store address
Lagos State • Ojo
Shop P30 ojo alava market
Closed now
• Mon - Sat, 08:00-18:00
The drum is simple to unpack, set-up and get playing. It includes everything a budding drummer needs with three tom-toms, a snare drum, bass drum, cymbal stand, hi-hat stand, drum stool, bass drum pedal, a pair of 14′′ hi-hat cymbals, crash/ride cymbal, a pair of sticks and a full set of drum heads. The double bracing means the stands are sturdy and durable
5 Piece Premier Drum Set With Different Colors
₦ 250,000
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