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Lagos, Mushin, 2 hours ago

Professional Smallest African Djembe Drum

Brand New
Store address
Lagos State • Mushin
163 Agege motor road mushin Lagos
Open now
• Mon - Sat, 08:00-18:00
This beautifully crafted Ghanaian Djembe Drum measures 11" head or 28 cm across the head, and stands 60 cm high. It weighs between 4.5 and 6.5kg's. This drum is great for all ages, particularly for secondary school age, and as a first adult drum. This drum is tuned to a precise pitch. We use plenty of quality rope which ensures that the drum holds its pitch for a long time before it needs tuning. Using this much rope keeps the drum sound precise and stable. The drum has a deep bass and a sharp crisp edge slap. The wood, a West African Cedar called Tweneboa, is the very best quality. The drum is carved with Adinkra symbols, used in West Africa. If you look them up you can find their meanings. These drums are fair trade and hand made in Ghana by professional African musicians. I have been working with these musicians for the last 25 years.
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