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Lagos, 1 hour ago

Tama Superstar Hyper-Drive 5-Piece

Bass Drums
Brand New
Store address
Lagos State • Ojo
📍Shop B36 Pace Setter Mall beside UBA bank electronics line Alaba international market Lagos
Closed now
• Mon, Sat, 08:00-17:00
Tama's superstar hyperdrive drum kits are extremely versatile and offer complete flexibility along with amazing power! featuring maple drum shells with 6ply, 5mm toms and snare drum and 8ply, 7mm bass drum, the all-maple construction delivers an overall powerful sound with a rich resonance and you'll just love the punchy, fast response of the hyper-drive toms! the superstar hyper-drive comes complete with top quality, professional drum shell fittings, finished in an attractive black nickel. the tama sound bridge high tension lugs feature a low-mass design which was made specifically for the superstar drum kit. these special lugs don't actually have contact with the drum shell which allows the drum to resonate as it should. there are also other benefits to the sound bridge lugs as they provide protection and reduce stress on
Tama Superstar Hyper-Drive 5-Piece
₦ 1,800,000
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