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Lagos, 3 hours ago

Tama HP600D

Parts & Accessories
Brand New
Store address
Lagos State • Ojo
📍Shop B36 Pace Setter Mall beside UBA bank electronics line Alaba international market Lagos
Closed now
• Mon, Sat, 08:00-17:00
The newest addition to the Iron Cobra series, the Iron Cobra 600's most unique feature is a reversible cam called the "Duo Glide Cam." A simple adjustment allows fast changes between a true round "Rolling Glide" sprocket and an offset "Power Glide" sprocket. Drummers can choose the appropriate cam based on playing style, musical environment, and personal preference. In addition, the Iron Cobra 600 features a newly designed hinge for precise footboard action, and ball bearing equipped "Speedo-Ring" rocker cam.
Tama HP600D
₦ 190,000
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