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Lagos, Ikeja, 1 hour ago

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes - Playstation 4

Sony PlayStation 4
Brand New
Store address
Lagos State • Lagos Island (Eko)
4, Gods Power Street, Ikorodu
The power of fox engine - ground zeroes showcases kojima productions' stunning fox engine, a true next-generation game engine which revolutionizes the metal gear solid experience. Introduction to open world design - the first metal gear solid title to offer open world gameplay. Ground zeroes offers total freedom of play: how missions are undertaken is entirely down to the user. Unrestricted stealth - imagine classic metal gear gameplay but with no restrictions or boundaries. Players use intelligence and cerebral strategy to sneak their way through entire missions, or go in all guns blazing. Multiple missions and tasks -ground zeroes boasts a central story mode and side-ops missions ranging from tactical action, aerial assaults and "covert" missions that will be sure to surprise. Redesigned interface - ground
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