'•28 days flat tummy tea works effectively for everyone. It helps burn stomach fat and restore the physical appearance of an individual. •It makes you have a trimmed look. •It helps burn stomach fat and restore the physical appearance of an individual. It makes you have a trimmed look .Drink Slimtea One of the ways of ridding (belly) fats is to drink green tea, and Slimtea is a 100% natural weight loss detox tea formulated with natural herbs like cassia seeds, hemp kernel and green tea. It is a 28-day detox tea that flushes body fat while detoxifying the system
✓It aids weight loss by increasing metabolism, which accelerates fat burn and calorie expenditure
✓It promotes cleansing, detoxification and healthy digestion. It soothes the stomach, curbs hunger, and flushes fat naturally. It also helps suppress appetite and reduce food cravings