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  5. Yamaha Drum Practice Pads
Lagos, Ikeja, 2 hours ago

Yamaha Practice Drum Pad Set With Pedal

Acoustic Drum Sets
Brand New
Store address
Lagos State • Mushin
163 Agege motor road mushin Lagos
Open now
• Mon - Sat, 08:00-18:00
This portable practice pad kit from Yamaha is a drummers dream. Designed to be taken anywhere, this 6 pad practice drum kit will ensure that your practice away from the kit will be just as productive as when you are sitting behind the real thing! Here's what Yamaha say about the 6 Piece Practice Set Never again will you have to be without the ability to practice. The 6-piece portable Go Anywhere Complete Practice Set allows you to sharpen your independence, groove, and coordination without bothering others. Notable features include heavy duty construction, natural feel and rebound, and easy setup. Complete 6 pad set with stand - includes (3) 8" pads for tom and cymbal (2) 10" pads for snare and floor tom (1) bass drum pad
Yamaha Practice Drum Pad Set With Pedal
₦ 105,000
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