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  5. Portable Keyboard Piano
Lagos, Ikeja, 1 hour ago

Portable Keyboard Piano

Electronic Keyboards
Brand New
Touch-sensitive keys allow expressive dynamic control Play the keys heavily and you'll get louder tones, or play softly to achieve quieter sounds. The touch-sensitive keyboard will accurately reflect every nuance of your playing, making your performances musically expressive. The better an instrument sounds, the more it inspires us Yamaha has a proud history of manufacturing just about every kind of musical instrument. When it comes to reproducing the sound of these instruments in a keyboard, the results are detailed and high-quality. The PSR-E363 features a comprehensive library of 574 instrument Voices that will allow you to enjoy playing any musical genre. Play with a partner Duo mode allows two people to play together on the same instrument by creating two middle C notes. Enjoy playing the piano with friends and family!.
Portable Keyboard PianoPortable Keyboard Piano
₦ 388,000
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