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Oyo, Ibadan, 7 hours ago

Apple Cider Vinegar Liquid for Weightoss

Weight-Loss Products
Age Group
Store address
Oyo State • Ibadan
19/20 Ashi Road opposite CAC OKE ALAFIA Ashi bodija
Landmark: OLONA MOSQUE ASHI. A cream and orange building
Closed now
• Mon - Sat, 08:00-18:00
It helps in controlling the blood sugar level It is anti-bacterial and prevents infection It may aid in weight loss by changing the way the gut bacteria processes the fats It helps in the reduction of blood pressure It reduces the high cholesterol level It helps in regulating body PH It helps in detoxification of the body It improves cardiovascular health It helps to prevent It treats dandruff It helps to reduce the swelling of the vagina (vaginitis) It soothes the affected area in acne It calms insect bite when applied to the affected area It relieves sunburn when applied to the affected area It helps in getting a clear skin It helps to treat dyspepsia or indigestion It removes parasite infection It subsides leg cramps For enquiries: contact Joyfold adjacent Olona mosque ASHI bodija, Ibadan
₦ 20,000
Fixed price
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