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  5. Effects Pedal Guitars
Ebonyi, Abakaliki, 3 hours ago

MOOER GE100 Professional Multiple Guitar Effect

Brand New
Guitar multi-effects pedal with large high brightness LCD display. 8 effect modules including 66 effect types, providing you with a sound library. 23 distortion sounds with 7 legendary amp simulators. 80 preset patched and 80 user patched for you to creating your own sound library. 180s loop recording, 40 drum & 10 metronome rhythms allows to create your own music without computer. Supports tap tempo, tuning, and scale & chord lesson functions. 6 assignable expression pedal parameters improve the convenience and diversity of controlling the tone. Dual supply: DC 9V adapter(included) or 4 * AA batteries (not included).
₦ 124,800
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