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Triplex for sale in Nigeria

< ₦ 35.0 M
₦ 35 - 75 M
₦ 75 - 150 M
> ₦ 150 M


Block of Flats

Block of Flats











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Triplex in Nigeria

Do you know that duplex and triplex are quite similar? The main difference is in the number of units in the structure, i.e, a duplex has two units, while the other has three units. Even with that knowledge, it can be difficult to decide which one to choose.

here's what you need to know about these types of housing;

What is a triplex apartment?

This is a rental unit that extends over three floors. These apartments are usually part of the original design of an apartment building (usually a penthouse), although in most cases, they result from a tenant choosing to buy units on top of each other.

By remodeling the units and adding stairs to connect the three floors, you get these kinds of apartments. A less common layout includes a one-bedroom unit converted into these structures. In this case, the arrangement of the unit covers only two floors of the building. However, there is a mezzanine floor that spans the two aforementioned floors.

The floor plan of the unit is such that each "floor" is out of alignment, with half a flight of stairs that you can use to ascend and descend between levels. This arrangement is very rare and is likely to be found in buildings where each floor is higher than the standard.

These apartments usually come in a variety of designs, with the most desirable type being the one where the square footage of all units is close or equal. They generally look like houses and are popular with families for their spacious interiors.

What are the properties of these kinds of apartments?

These apartments consist of three units, which are connected by a private internal staircase. They are particularly popular with families because of their size and their three-story floor plan, which makes it possible to separate the public rooms of the house from the more private ones.

As already mentioned, the three floors of the apartments should be connected from the inside and not exist as three separate apartments on different floors that can be reached via a public staircase or elevator from the other floor.

Stairs in these apartments come in different shapes and widths, but unless the apartment is huge, many of them are usually designed so that they don't take up too much space.

Why do you need your triplex?

Here are some of the reasons why you should get one of these apartments as your home. They include;

  • Amenities; In most cases, your home will have desirable amenities such as a laundry room, walkways, patios, porches, and in some cases even garages.

  • Privacy; If you live in one, you don't have to deal with as many neighbors as if you opt for an apartment complex.

  • Outside space; These kinds of apartments consist of only three units in a single building, which means that the outside space is only shared by three families. This is a significant improvement over sharing a small garden with several other tenants in an apartment complex.

  • Spacious; The units in these structures are some of the largest units you will find on the market. They are generally more spacious than standard rentals, hence their popularity with families.

  • A good place to start when investing in apartment buildings; If you're looking to move from investing in single-family to multi-family housing, it may be better to start with these apartments.

  • You can live in one of the units; you have the option of living in one of the units of a triplex and renting the other rooms. That way, you will continue to earn income by collecting rents and having accommodation on your property.

How to get one of these apartments for sale

Do you want to buy one, or do you want to rent one of these apartments in Nigeria?

Here is good news for you. they are very much available on Jiji. We have got you covered with well-standard structures that suit you and your family.

Log on to Jiji now to buy yours NOW!

