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Guest House for sale in Nigeria

< ₦ 35.0 M
₦ 35 - 75 M
₦ 75 - 150 M
> ₦ 150 M


Block of Flats

Block of Flats











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What is a GUEST HOUSES FOR SALE in Nigeria?

GUEST HOUSES FOR SALE are houses placed for rent with the view to host people who come with a motive of visiting either for business or pleasure. The purchase of guest house has become popular among majority of the Nigerians as it involves minimal time maintenance expenses with stable income.

However, before deciding on how much you are willing to spend on purchasing one, there are some factors that you ought to consider below. Buying a Guest House is like buying an extra money making chore…and think about this: your "chore" will pay you every month and all you have to do is sit back and receive.


A guest house is a type of service accommodation. In Nigeria, as in many countries around the world, it's an independently run small hotel or large boarding house which offers less formality and fewer amenities than an ordinary hotel or motel thus cheaper rates. Generally a guest house is not a place to spend your holiday but rather a place where you can stay for a night or two before getting on to your next travel destination. A guest house may have rooms with shared bathroom facilities or private bathrooms – some have both – where one would expect to find basic toiletries such as soap, shampoo and towels. In Nigeria, they are found almost everywhere including metropolitan cities like Lagos and Abuja just as much as other parts of the nation.

Benefits of buying a GUEST HOUSES FOR SALE on

The benefits of buying a guest house is that it requires minimal time maintenance while the stable income makes it a sound business investment. A good location and good facilities attract more customers which means increased revenue. Guest houses help to make travel easier for many individuals and families. For instance, some people choose to live in guest houses instead of hotels because they offer an intimate atmosphere at cheap rates compared with hotels. Guests who visit on business trips prefer staying in guesthouses too since they are cheaper than hotels and provide amenities such as free wi-fi access, laundries, restaurants etc.

In Nigeria, Guest Houses are mainly found in metropolitan cities such as Lagos and Abuja. In fact, their number has been on the rise especially with people who have just started a business or expanding to other commercial districts of the city.

Reasons why you should buy a GUEST HOUSES FOR SALE on

A guest house is an integral part of travelling. When you're moving from one place to the other, it's usually just for one night or two. And that's why most people are inclined towards buying a guest house rather than staying in hotels every time they travel. This keeps them away from the hustle and bustle of big cities where hotels are usually packed with so many guests all at once. The good thing about guest houses is that they are cheaper but have almost everything you might need during your stay. That being said, there are some reasons why you should buy a Guest Houses on Jiji today:

- You will save more money since rates are much lower than hotel.

- It allows for family bonding time.

How do I maintain a GUEST HOUSES FOR SALE in Nigeria?

Maintaining a guest house is no easy task, especially when you are starting out. There are some tips that one can follow to make the process easier for you however small or big it might be. Also, remember that maintaining your facilities does not only refer to the physical facilities but also means taking care of your customers too. Here are few suggestions on how do I maintain a Guest Houses in Nigeria:

- Always ensure that all facilities are in good condition and working order before having guests pay up their bills.

- Pay attention to detail when hiring staff since they will be dealing with your customers directly.

- Ensure that there is always an employee around so as to attend to any emergencies immediately.

- Have regular sanitation schedules done.


Guesthouses are usually found everywhere in Nigeria with some located within metropolitan cities. They are mostly considered as a cheaper option when it comes to travelling or living away from home for small periods of time. Guest houses have their own set of rules and regulations that one should be familiar with before starting out on renting them out to customers. It is also important to maintain your facilities so as to ensure your guests get the best services possible at all times.

