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Anambra, Nnewi, 2 hours ago

Tecno 64GB Micro SD Memory Card + Adapter

Memory Cards
Brand New
Compatible Brand
64 GB
Storage Capacity
Store address
Anambra State • Nnewi
Adjacent a-z filling station white house before okpunoeze bus stop nnewi, anambra state
When you get to az filling station white house before okpunoeze bus stop you'll see a big hologram
TECNO 64GB Micro SD -Memory -Card + Adapter Up to 100MB/s fast read speed and standard write speed performance, TECNO 64GB Micro SD card offers you stunning experience of its impressive speed and reliable quality. TECNO memory card helps you expand your devices' storage and fully get the most out of your devices to some degree. TECNO microSD card not only offers room for even more hours recording full HD video and photos capture, but also speeds up files transfer, video recording, etc.
Tecno 64GB Micro SD Memory Card + Adapter
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