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Lagos, Lagos Island (Eko), 1 hour ago

Paint Roller Brush Set

Paint Brushes, Rollers & Trays
Store address
Lagos State • Lagos Island (Eko)
Head office: Habibat mogaji plaza, Idumota.
Closed now
• Mon - Sat, 08:00-19:00
Paint runner pro roller brush painting handle tool - no prep, no mess. simply pour and paint to transform any room in just minutes features: comes with extended tube to reach the height you can't get. paint roller kit / paint runner set /paint roller brush kit /paint roller brush set wall painting tool room wall printing for home officeextended tube to reach the height you can't get. paint roller for painting wall, door, floor and other large surface. flocked edger for painting door frames, window sills or other narrow surface. corner cutter painter for painting corners or edges. available for both indoor and outdoor. save the time, skip the mess, less wastage and have fun painting. provide a perfect solution for the home decoration and furniture renovation...
Paint Roller Brush SetPaint Roller Brush Set
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