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Lagos, Ajah

Speech Behavioural Therapist

Accessure Learning Therapy
Company Name
Childcare Services
Type of Service
Domestic Worker
Type of Employment
Payment Type
2 years
Work Experience
We offer result-producing intervention programs for children with all forms of Neuro-developmental disorder. No matter the mixture of unique impairment or level of severity. If your child manifests any or some of the behavior listed below, then we are the best hands you need: •Performs activities that could cause self-harm, such as biting or head-banging. •Speech and language difficulties, learning disabilities. •Fixates on an object or activity with abnormal intensity or focus. •Doesn't engage in imitative or make-believe play. •Performs repetitive movements, such as rocking, spinning or hand flapping. •Social skill deficit, behavior deficit, attention deficit (hyperactivity) disorder. •Is unusually sensitive to light, sound or touch, yet may be indifferent to pain or temperature. •Has specific food preferences, such as eating only a few foods, or refusing foods with certain texture Etc.
Safety tips
  • Check Feedback to make sure the person is reliable
  • Agree on the scope of work and remuneration
  • Meet in person at a safe public place