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Poultry Cages in Nigeria



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China poultry cage is a production mode for breeding hens and other poultry in which the birds are kept in cages. These usually have eight to ten birds living inside them, but sometimes up to sixteen or more may be found there. The purpose of this is to improve the efficiency of food use and reduce labor costs through automation. Birds' feet can get caught between bars so they twist and break toes and legs due to their own weight, leading to deformities such as fused joints, twisted ankles, ruptured tendons,and swollen hocks(Besom 2009).

The farming system that most chickens live in today consists of a battery cage that houses 6000 birds. Each bird has a space the size of an 8 x 11 inch piece of paper (Hudson and Mares 2004). Breeding sows in gestation crates are kept in similar conditions; they may be chained or tethered to prevent movement, and their living areas may be less than 24 inches wide. The United States follows strict guidelines for how breeding pigs are housed, but 80% of US farms are not complying with these standards. These animals have no room to turn around, stretch out freely, build nests, groom themselves properly or carry out other natural behaviors (HSI 2005).

The ends of their toes rub against the metal bars that confine them so badly that they often bleed. The lack of skin protection allows painful bacterial infections to develop and the cages are difficult to clean. The ammonia from the birds' waste builds up so high in these confined spaces that it burns their eyes, causes them to gasp for air and cough, and can even kill them (HSI 2005).

China poultry cage is a production mode for breeding hens and other poultry in which the birds are kept in cages. These usually have eight to ten birds living inside them, but sometimes up to sixteen or more may be found there. The purpose of this is to improve the efficiency of food use and reduce labor costs through automation.


China Poultry Cages is a type of farming where chickens are raised in cages, sometimes stacked one above the other or side by side. Living quarters are often very cramped, with each cage only large enough for the bird to stand up and turn around. Animals kept in these conditions are unlikely to be provided with any form of enrichment, including fresh straw bedding material, which provides protection from excessive ammonia levels caused by accumulated manure. The same properties that make straw an excellent bedding material also make it dangerous if eaten - there is little room for poultry to open their mouths or move their heads freely without risk of becoming entangled.

China poulty cagedesigns have many problems eg: birds may become stuck in cage bars, have their toes crushed, or lose their tail feathers due to aggressive pecking from cagemates. The flesh of the birds may be torn where it is caught between bars or became lacerated when they are cut with sharp edges. Living conditions may also induce bone weakness and fracture, feather loss, foot injuries and back problems which can cause chronic pain.

A study conducted by Sydney University in 2004 found that over one third of hens die prematurely because the cages are just too small for them. Half of all hens suffer fractured bones and tens of millions die each year because their fragile skeletons cannot cope with the demands placed on them (Sydney University). Nearly all hens also experience severe psychological stress.


It is clear that the conditions in which hens are raised on egg farms can cause physical and psychological harm to these animals. People who consume eggs should be aware of what they are supporting when they purchase eggs from their grocery store. Egg producers who genuinely care about animal welfare may wish to explore alternative housing systems for raising hens, such as cage-free, furnished cages or even open barns with perches. Consumer pressure has forced many companies to stop using battery cages or convert to alternatives, but there is still much more work that needs to be done.


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