Functions: 1. It has curative effect for constipation, cleanses digestive tracks & toxic substances. 2. Speeds up the metabolism of body fat, helps to lose weight, and prevents obesity. 3. It enhances immune system, it helps remove toxic substances, keeps body balance. Anti-aging and also treat chronicle inflammatory problems. 4. It keeps skin healthy & diminishes winkles & prevents teen acne.
Indications: Constipation, weight-losing, teen acne, chronicle acne and pimples, anti-aging, chronicle inflammatory problems, such as chronic throat inflammation, tonsillitis, etc. Oral use o Administration and dosage: nly. 2 capsules each time, 3 times daily. Regular use for 3-6 months brings remarkable result to the body.
Precaution: Don't use if pregnant.
Specification: 90 capsules per bottle.
Storage: keep in cool and dry place, keep it out of the reach of children