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Abuja, Wuse, 2 hours ago

85 Interactive White Board

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Abuja (FCT) • Wuse
Suite A01 Intercontinental plaza,wuse zone 3 Abuja or 3a Somoyo Osundairo street ikeja computer lagos
An interactive whiteboard (IWB), also known as interactive board or smart board, is a large interactive display in the form factor of a whiteboard. It can used as a touchpad to control computers from a projector. They are used including classrooms at all levels of education, in corporate board rooms and work groups, in training rooms for professional sports coaching, in broadcasting studios, and others.The first interactive whiteboards were designed and manufactured for use in the office. This board was used in small group meetings and round-tables.An interactive whiteboard System (IWB), Replace flip charts and save time typing out post-it notes. Write over any application, image, website, video or document. Convert hand writing to text. Get audio and visual meetings from several participants
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85 Interactive White Board
₦ 370,000
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