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Rivers, Port-Harcourt, Woji, 1 hour ago

Looking for the Perfect Spot to Build Your Dream Home? Look

Mixed-Use Land
Square Metres
Property Use
Electric Supply, Rain Water Drainage
Looking for the perfect spot to build your dream home? Look no further! We've got two amazing plots of land, located in a well-secured estate, that are ready for you! Comment below if you're interested in seeing these prime plots of land! Location: Woji, Port Harcourt Rivers State Asking Sale Price: NGN 30,000,000.00 Per Plot Title: Deed of Coveyance Features; suitable for residential or commercial purpose Good Road Acess Good power supply Secured environment. For further enquiries
Looking for the Perfect Spot to Build Your Dream Home? LookLooking for the Perfect Spot to Build Your Dream Home? LookLooking for the Perfect Spot to Build Your Dream Home? LookLooking for the Perfect Spot to Build Your Dream Home? Look
₦ 30,000,000per Plot
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