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  4. Eczema Cream
  5. Sumifun Eczema Cream
Lagos, Surulere, 1 hour ago

African Shea Butter Cream for Eczema,Psoriasis, and Dry Skin

Body Creams & Milks
Store address
Lagos State • Surulere
257, Ijesha road, close to new NEPA office, Ijesha bus stop, Surulere, Lagos.
When you get to Ijesha express b/stop or Ijesha market b/stop, ask of direction to new NEPA office.
Open now
• Mon - Sat, 08:00-19:00
Sumifun Shea Butter is a natural shea butter that is made from the nuts of the African shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa). The cream contains 100% pure and natural ingredients like Shea Butter, Chrysanthellum Indicum extract, Vitamin E, Scutellaria Baicalensis extract, Centella Asiatica extract, Panax Ginseng extract, and Glycerin, and it’s a rich, creamy butter that is solid at room temperature but melts easily when applied to the skin. Our African shea butter is a high-quality shea butter and has been shown to have benefits for a variety of skin conditions, including eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, itching, sensitive skin, dry skin, oily skin, and cracked skin. It’s easily absorbed by the body, creates a protective moisture barrier, reverses skin dehydration, and stops itching instantly.
African Shea Butter Cream for Eczema,Psoriasis, and Dry SkinAfrican Shea Butter Cream for Eczema,Psoriasis, and Dry Skin
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