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  5. 3 Bedrooms Bungalow for Rent
Lagos, Ajah, Sangotedo, 1 hour ago

3bdrm Bungalow in Sangotedo for rent

3 bedrooms
4 bathrooms
Estate behind SkyMall opposite Blenco Supermarket
Property Address
Property Size
A luxuriously spacious 3 bedrooms bungalow with lovely features alone in a compound in a cool, safe, strongly gated, guarded and secured estate with clean water, good light, easy access to the roads, easy accessibility to the express road and not far from the express road behind skymall opposite blenco supermarket in sangotedo in ajah axis lekki for rent.
3bdrm Bungalow in Sangotedo for rent3bdrm Bungalow in Sangotedo for rent3bdrm Bungalow in Sangotedo for rent3bdrm Bungalow in Sangotedo for rent3bdrm Bungalow in Sangotedo for rent3bdrm Bungalow in Sangotedo for rent3bdrm Bungalow in Sangotedo for rent3bdrm Bungalow in Sangotedo for rent3bdrm Bungalow in Sangotedo for rent3bdrm Bungalow in Sangotedo for rent3bdrm Bungalow in Sangotedo for rent3bdrm Bungalow in Sangotedo for rent3bdrm Bungalow in Sangotedo for rent3bdrm Bungalow in Sangotedo for rent3bdrm Bungalow in Sangotedo for rent3bdrm Bungalow in Sangotedo for rent3bdrm Bungalow in Sangotedo for rent3bdrm Bungalow in Sangotedo for rent3bdrm Bungalow in Sangotedo for rent
₦ 4,000,000per annum
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  • It's safer not to pay ahead for inspections
  • Ask friends or somebody you trust to accompany you for viewing
  • Look around the apartment to ensure it meets your expectations
  • Don't pay beforehand if they won't let you move in immediately
  • Verify that the account details belong to the right property owner before initiating payment