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  4. Orbitrek
  5. Elliptical Orbitrek
Rivers, Port-Harcourt, 43 min ago

New High Quality Sports Bicycle

Bicycles & Tricycles
Brand New
Store address
Rivers State • Port-Harcourt
116 Old Aba road besides Randolph hotels before woji junction rumuogba palace Port Harcourt
Open now
• Mon - Sat, 07:00-19:00
Ejico sports offers a wide range of fitness equipment to keep you fit for daily activities in life. 116 old aba road, near customary court before woji junction or 24 ezimbgu road opp fetona hair plaza by mummy b junction, gra link road. Port harcourt. 118 old aba road opp bachiever hotel by rumuogba palace woji junction. Fitness snooker pool table. Also available: manual and electric treadmills, 2.5hp, 3hp and 4hp 5hp commercial treadmill machines with different specifications we also have in stock all types of sports, fitness, exercise and gym equipment at affordable prices; stationary orbitrac elliptical bikes, tummy trimmer sit-up bench, massage chairs, mini and standing steppers, weight bench press, multi-station gym, dumbbells, ab king pro bench, rowing machine, crazyfit massager, snooker board, Table tennis board etc
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