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  5. 3 Bedrooms Bungalows for Sale
Rivers, Port-Harcourt, 23/01

8bdrm Bungalow in Shalom Estate, Port-Harcourt for sale

8 bedrooms
5 bathrooms
shalom estate Rumunduru extension Port Harcourt.
Property Address
shalom estate
Estate Name
Uncompleted Building
Property Size
Uncompleted bungalow containing the following: (A) 1two bedroom flat (B) 1 three bedroom flat (C) two 1bedroom flat Sitting on a 100/100 plot of land. Completely fenced with gate on a secured and developed area. Location: Wobo Street, Shalom Estate Eliowhani Road Rumuodara Port Harcourt.
8bdrm Bungalow in Shalom Estate, Port-Harcourt for sale8bdrm Bungalow in Shalom Estate, Port-Harcourt for sale8bdrm Bungalow in Shalom Estate, Port-Harcourt for sale8bdrm Bungalow in Shalom Estate, Port-Harcourt for sale8bdrm Bungalow in Shalom Estate, Port-Harcourt for sale8bdrm Bungalow in Shalom Estate, Port-Harcourt for sale8bdrm Bungalow in Shalom Estate, Port-Harcourt for sale8bdrm Bungalow in Shalom Estate, Port-Harcourt for sale8bdrm Bungalow in Shalom Estate, Port-Harcourt for sale8bdrm Bungalow in Shalom Estate, Port-Harcourt for sale8bdrm Bungalow in Shalom Estate, Port-Harcourt for sale
₦ 40,000,000
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  • Look around the apartment to ensure it meets your expectations
  • Don't pay beforehand if they won't let you move in immediately
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