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Lagos, Oshodi, 2 hours ago

Most Efficient Midea 2hp Spilt Unit Inverter Air Conditioner

Air Conditioners
Brand New
Spit System
AC Type
Inverter Technology
Midea 2hp Inverter AC MSMA-18CRDN1 This Midea 2hp Inverter AC MSMA-18CRDN is a split unit air conditioner and it comes with built-in AVS protection. With the new and highly improved edge-cutting technology, the airflow can be easily adjusted not to blow directly to the human body, which in turn provides healthier airflow and uniform cooling for your space. It also comes with a removable air filter which can be maintained by washing it periodically. Midea’s normal voltage operation design is specifically designed for the Nigerian power situation. With its voltage, one can enjoy the superb cooling performance of this split unit even in poor power conditions. Another added advantage is that the Midea Split Unit AC Inverter 2HP -MSMA-18CRDN1 makes no noise at all (low noise function) that will cause any inconvenience
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