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Lagos, Ojo, 1 hour ago

M-Audio Oxygen 25– 25 Key USB MIDI Keyboard

Midi Keyboards
Brand New
Store address
Lagos State • Ojo
📍Shop B36 Pace Setter Mall beside UBA bank electronics line Alaba international market Lagos
Open now
• Mon, Sat, 08:00-17:00
M-Audio Oxygen 25 (MKV) M-Audio's computer recording MIDI controllers are used by professional’s and beginners alike – so whether you’re seeking studio equipment for recording music, MIDI keyboards & equipment for production, or the ultimate beat maker machine for beginners, give yourself the best start with the Oxygen Series! Introducing the Oxygen 25 (MKV) - a feature-packed 25-key MIDI controller keyboard and MIDI pad controller, brimming with the latest, must-have advancements in MIDI USB hardware control. Everything you need to breathe new life into your production, and create cutting-edge music on stage or in the studio is here.
M-Audio Oxygen 25– 25 Key USB MIDI KeyboardM-Audio Oxygen 25– 25 Key USB MIDI Keyboard
₦ 190,000
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