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  4. Food Grinders
  5. Electric Food Grinders
Lagos, Ojo, 1 hour ago

Food Processor

Food Processors
Brand New
Store address
Lagos State • Ojo
ojo alaba intl market Lagos
1.Food grade rubber cover. 2.Process all kinds of foods such as yam, meat, vegetable, sauces, raw food diet, fresh juice and so on. Specifications Product name: Pounded Yam Blender material: metal & plastic color: black power: 1200W speed: 45000rpm voltage: ac 220v~/ 50-60hz capacity: 6L 100% copper motor. Strong power, superncapacity NOTES 1. Electric meat grinders and twisting machines cannot be used to blend dry hard food such as beans and rice. 2. It's required that you switch it off for 3-5 seconds after every continuous working time of 10-20 seconds. This method is beneficial to extend the life of the product. Can turn your cook yam to pounded yam Can blend your fruits, meat and vegetables within seconds Can mix and blend your baby food 6L jar.
₦ 146,800
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