Its formulated from natural herbs to nourish, enlarge and tightens the breast. natural seeds that increases the size of your breast, fenugreek seeds. fennel seeds cumin seeds maca seeds... Etc fenugreek contains a special components known as doisgenin that increases estrogens levels in the body,resulting in bigger breast, -it helps to regulate hormones... fennel seeds -it increases the size of breast,butt and hips and fight against sagging... -it provides body minerals like iron,calcium,zinc and selenium that are effective in keeping up the oxygen balance... cumin seeds -it helps increase milk production in nursing mothers... -help to enhance the size of of breast,... maca root powder -maca root powder helps the muscles in the your breast,hips and thighs. -maca root improve female libido and sexual health. -balances estrogen levels... Dosage: take two spoon twice in the day with milk or tea or yoghurt