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Lagos, Magodo, 3 hours ago

Saw Palmetto Berry Extract With 50% Fatty Acid 50g

Sexual Supplements
Saw palmetto is a remarkable herb for both men and women and is used by natural health practitioners to treat a variety of ailments such as testicular inflammation, urinary tract inflammation, coughs and respiratory congestion. It is also used to strengthen the thyroid gland, balance the metabolism, stimulate appetite and aid digestion. This wonderful herb is becoming famous for its uses in hair restoration, prostate health, sexual vigour, breast enhancement and as a nutritive tonic. Saw palmetto berry also tones the urethra and it may be used to uphold the healthy function of the thyroid gland and urinary system. Strongly Support Prostate Function for Men (Saw Palmetto for Men) and Healthy Urination Frequency for Women (Saw Palmetto for Women). Ingredient: Saw Palmetto Extract (with 50% Fatty acid)
₦ 8,000
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