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  5. Cerave Essential Oils
Lagos, Lekki, 1 hour ago

Cerave Itch Relief Moisturizing Lotion

Moisturizing Lotion
Cerave itch reliefmoisturizinglotion, is developed with dermatologists it contains, 1% pramoxine hydrochloride external analgesic moisturizes dry skin, with 3 essential ceramides relieves itching associated with: insect bites sunburn poison ivy nb. it's steroid free. description: [ cerave anti itch lotion ] temporarily relieves itching associated with insect bites, sunburn, poison ivy while moisturizing dry skin. lightweight texture that is absorbed quickly for softened skin with non-greasy feel. [ soothing ingredients ] formulated with 1% pramoxine hydrochloride for fast-acting, long-lasting temporary itch-relief, niacinamide to help calm skin, and hyaluronic acid to help retainskin's natural moisture, how to use apply to affected area no more than 3 to 4 times daily.
Cerave Itch Relief Moisturizing LotionCerave Itch Relief Moisturizing LotionCerave Itch Relief Moisturizing LotionCerave Itch Relief Moisturizing LotionCerave Itch Relief Moisturizing Lotion
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