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Lagos, Lekki, 2 hours ago

Virgin Sound KDK 210 Digital Drums

Acoustic Drum Sets
Bass Drum Pedal, Drum Throne
Set Includes
Brand New
Store address
Lagos State • Ojo
Shop B224 Alaba int’l Mkt Ojo, Lagos
Besides GTBank Alaba int’l Mkt Ojo
Closed now
• Mon - Sat, 08:00-19:00
KDX-210 Digital Drum Virgin KDX-210 digital drum offers vivid voice very suitable for stage performance & studio recording. It is configured with 5drums 3cymbals. It can also be equipped with real bass drum pedal and supports dual hammers to provide real bass drum effect. The hi-hat control produces half open voice. The snare pad is enlarged to be 10 inch. KDX-210 is the product with high performance but low cost. Kit components 5drum 3 cymbal Module: KDX-210 10” SNARE (x1):dual channels, rim/pad shot simultaneously 8”TOM(x3): dual channels 8”BASS(x1) 10’’Hi-HAT (x1)mono 12”HI-HAT(x1)/CRASH(x1):dual channel choke HI-HAT PEDAL(x1):
₦ 900,000
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