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Plateau, Jos, 01/02

Vitafields Lady's Aphrodisiac Booster Coffee

No Artificial Colours, No Artificial Flavour, No Genetic Engineering, No Preservatives
Dietary Needs
Fruit & Herbal Tea
Across country
2-4 days
₦ 3,000 - 8,000
Store address
Plateau State • Jos
Vom, Plateau State
Open now
• Mon - Sun, 07:09-18:00
Vitafields Lady’s Aphrodisiac Booster Coffee is a traditional Arabian drink made with natural herbs and spices known for their aphrodisiac properties. It is known to enhance sexual desire, prevent dryness and enhance performance in women. The ingredients used to make this coffee include cardamom, saffron, ginger, and cloves etc. Vitafields Lady’s Aphrodisiac Booster Coffee is delicious with a subtle spicy flavor and aroma, and is best served in small cups for an intimate and sensual experience. While its effectiveness as an aphrodisiac is guaranteed, Arabian women have been drinking this coffee for centuries as a way to connect with their sexuality and enhance their intimate experiences. So hurry and place your order
Vitafields Lady's Aphrodisiac Booster Coffee
₦ 15,000

₦ 14,500

≥ 5 pieces
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