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  5. 1 Bedroom Duplex Houses for Sale
Abuja, Jahi, 2 hours ago

5bdrm Duplex in Jahi for Sale

5 bedrooms
5 bathrooms
Jahi Abuja
Property Address
Dining Area, Hot Water, En Suite, Kitchen Cabinets, Kitchen Shelf, Pop Ceiling, Pre-Paid Meter, Sectionals, Tiled Floor, Wardrobe
Property Size
Stunning 5 bedroom terrace duplex with one room BQ on the market now. Take a look at this gorgeous property, with beautiful finishing touches throughout and plenty of space for the whole family. Don't miss your chance to make it yours. Highlights: Good finishing Modern sanitary wares Large compound space Ample Parking Spacious spaces Great location. Location: Jahi, Abuja Nigeria. Sale Price: NGN 180,000,000.00 Title: D of C Contact us today to schedule a viewing! For more details and inspection, please contact Beautifully Finished 5 Bedroom Terrace Duplex with one room BQ for sale. contact or whatsappOdinga J. Properties081XXXXXXXX,090XXXXXXXX
5bdrm Duplex in Jahi for Sale5bdrm Duplex in Jahi for Sale5bdrm Duplex in Jahi for Sale5bdrm Duplex in Jahi for Sale
₦ 180,000,000
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  • Look around the apartment to ensure it meets your expectations
  • Don't pay beforehand if they won't let you move in immediately
  • Verify that the account details belong to the right property owner before initiating payment