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Lagos, Ikeja, 59 min ago

Strumate Classical Ukulele (Free Pencil Sharperner Inside)

Brand New
Store address
Lagos State • Ojo
Store no. BB21i | Electronics line, Alaba International Market, Ojo
Closed now
• Mon - Sun, 08:00-17:00
Lagos State • Ikeja
20, Ajao Road, Off Awolowo way, Ikeja
It's easier to locate from SLOT's massive plaza at Computer village, Ikeja.
Closed now
• Mon - Sat, 09:00-17:00
Our classical ukulele are hand made from the finest locally sourced wood that resonate well with every strum. The free pencil and Eraser inside is a reminder that we write our stories and we can erase the past with a new experience. Don't pay for an Ukulele, Choose strumate, buy an experience
₦ 40,000
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