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  5. HDMI USB VGA Adapters
Lagos, Ikeja, 3 hours ago

HDMI to VGA Adapter Monitor Screen Video Cable Converter

Media Converters
Brand New
Store address
Lagos State • Ikeja
17 Francis Oremeji street FCMB bank in computer village Ikeja Lagos
FCMB in computer village Ikeja
Closed now
• Mon - Sat, 09:00-18:00
This hdmi to vga adapter is a digital to analogue video converter enabling conversion an hdmi output to a 15 pin d shaped vga output as found on computer displays, screens and monitors. applications: computer / dvd / digital set-top box / laptop / mobile phone / digital camera / tablet pc / media player / a range of hd sources such as input devices and video signals to the tv / monitor / projector output. tested as compatible with a raspberry pi 3 model b on a standard vga monitor.
HDMI to VGA Adapter Monitor Screen Video Cable Converter
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