Oakwood City Estate,Ibesikpo Asutan.
Oakwood City Estate is in Ekpene Nnyama Asabor in Ibesikpo Asutan LGA of Akwa-Ibom State. It is a well laid out estate in the fast-developing major linking road. The Estate is adjacent to the Mobil Palm Fruit Plantation, very close to Nung Udoe round about. Just 30-minutes drive to the Victor Attah international airport, 2-minute drive from the Nung Udoe round about, 2-minute drive from Full Life Academy by airport road, and can be accessible through two major routes- Airport road, Uyo and Nnug Udoe, Ibesikpo.
Features of the Estate include:
• Internal Roads
• Perimeter Fencing
• Security Gate House
• Recreation Parks
• Club House
• School and More
Price: N1,200,000
Plot size: 465sqm
Title: Irrevocable Power of Attorney and Registered Survey.