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Abuja, Gudu, 2 hours ago

A Brand New Open Shops Plaza of 5 Floors With Lift and Suite

Along GUDU Express way
Open Space
Property Type
Square Metres
Parking Spaces
Secure Parking
DISTRESS SALES ALONG GUDU EXPRESS WAY IN ABUJA A brand new open shops plaza of 5 floors with lift and suites on each of the floors. Suitable for hospital, pharmacy or supermarket business available for outright sale . Property is fully furnished with ACs. LOCATION: By the expressway and popular junction of Gudu Abuja. PRICE: N1billion net for outright sale.
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A Brand New Open Shops Plaza of 5 Floors With Lift and SuiteA Brand New Open Shops Plaza of 5 Floors With Lift and SuiteA Brand New Open Shops Plaza of 5 Floors With Lift and SuiteA Brand New Open Shops Plaza of 5 Floors With Lift and SuiteA Brand New Open Shops Plaza of 5 Floors With Lift and SuiteA Brand New Open Shops Plaza of 5 Floors With Lift and SuiteA Brand New Open Shops Plaza of 5 Floors With Lift and SuiteA Brand New Open Shops Plaza of 5 Floors With Lift and SuiteA Brand New Open Shops Plaza of 5 Floors With Lift and Suite
₦ 2,000,000,000
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