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  5. Stainless Steel Drums
Lagos, Badagry, 2 hours ago

Quality Drum Pedal Kick for Bass Drum

Brand New
This Series hardware features double bracing, good chrome plating, and steel tubes. This hardware is great for replacements on old kits or for expanding new kits . Features *Dual Spring Adjustment. *Chain Drive. *Lightweight.steel setted drum pedal with strong steel material, very durable and sensitive on usage. perfect drum pedal for your base drum and less difficult on usage. Use in all kind of Series hardware features double bracing, good chrome plating, and steel tubes. This hardware is great for replacements on old kits or for expanding new kitsdrum.This . Features *Dual Spring Adjustment. *Chain Drive. *Lightweight.steel setted drum pedal with strong steel material, very durable and sensitive on usage. perfect drum pedal for your base drum and less difficult on usage. Use in all kind of drum.
₦ 23,800
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