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  4. Lightening Cream
  5. Glutathione Lightening Cream
Lagos, Amuwo-Odofin, 2 hours ago

Koji White Kojic and Glutathione Soap 160g

Body Wash & Soap
Koji White
Koji White Kojic acid and glutathione soap assures you that you will never again have to worry about imperfections! Therefore, everyone will be able to have a truly radiant complexion and the perfect body! A unique combination of Glutathione and kojic acid is used in the formulation of the Koji White soap, which is very powerful and effective on skin, making it a great choice when it comes to caring for You will enjoy a pleasant spa experience each time you use the Koji White soap because it has a fresh tropical scent. The Glutathione and Kojic acid ia suitable FOR ALL SKIN TYPES This enzyme gently removes dead skin cells to improve the texture of your skin and whitens the skin
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