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Ogun, Abeokuta South, 2 hours ago

24 Units Apartment for Student Hostel in a Prime Area

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Are you looking forward to taking up a residential house that commands a substantial yield annually? Then look no further! Here is a strategically located block of single room apartments at the heart of a student populated neighborhood. Features -24 Rooms Ensuite with great rental yield - Fenced and Gated - Water - Paved Compound - 24 Rooms Ensuite with nice Kitchen - Floor finished with Polished Tiles - Aluminum sliding window - 2 Units shares same Terrace Documents: Approved Building Plan, Deed of Assignment and Registered Survey Schedule a viewing with us today @ Barods Global Limited Call
24 Units Apartment for Student Hostel in a Prime Area24 Units Apartment for Student Hostel in a Prime Area24 Units Apartment for Student Hostel in a Prime Area24 Units Apartment for Student Hostel in a Prime Area24 Units Apartment for Student Hostel in a Prime Area24 Units Apartment for Student Hostel in a Prime Area24 Units Apartment for Student Hostel in a Prime Area24 Units Apartment for Student Hostel in a Prime Area
₦ 65,000,000
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  • It's safer not to pay ahead for inspections
  • Ask friends or somebody you trust to accompany you for viewing
  • Look around the apartment to ensure it meets your expectations
  • Don't pay beforehand if they won't let you move in immediately
  • Verify that the account details belong to the right property owner before initiating payment